- After installing WSUS on a server, creating computer group in WSUS, creating a group policy to use WSUS, you also need to add computers to the group policy so that the policy to apply to those computers. Here is how.
- Login DC. Then open Group Policy Management.
- Navigate to the computer group policy, in our case it is EHC for WSUS.
- Click Add under Security Filtering.
5. Make sure check Computers in Object Types.
7. After adding the computer into a group under group policy Management, you also need to create a OU to match the computer group name, for example EHC.
8. Now move the computers you want to be in EHC group from Computer.
9. Run gpupdate /force on the server and worksttaions. That should add those computers into WSUS. Or we can wait for 30 to 90 minutes.