To upgrade the C9000 Switch in install mode please follow the next steps:
1. Configure #install remove inactive
2. Copy the .bin image you want to upgrade to, into the flash. You can do this with a usb or via tftp
a. USB way: # copy usbflash0:(image-name.bin) flash:
b. TFTP way: # copy tftp: flash:
i. Then fill in the required information such as host and file name (image-name.bin)
3. Set the boot variable to the correct one. This should be packages.conf. Issue the following commands:
a. >enable
b. #conf t
c. (conf)#no boot sys
d. (conf)#boot sys flash:packages.conf
e. (conf)#do wr <<<<<< Very important to save configuration changes
4. Return to the privileged mode
a. (config)# end
5. Start the install process (Will ask to reload once the .pkg files finish to be generated)
a. # install add file flash:(image-name.bin) activate commit
6. After reload the install process its finished and just verify that the desired version is installed.
# show version