After migrating WordPress website, how do I link WordPress in the new host?

To link your existing WordPress site to your new hosting environment, you’ll need to migrate your WordPress site. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

1. Backup Your Existing Site:

Before making any changes, ensure you have a complete backup of your current website. You can use plugins like UpdraftPlus, Duplicator, or All-in-One WP Migration to create a backup.

Steps with All-in-One WP Migration:

  1. Install the Plugin:
    • Go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress dashboard.
    • Search for All-in-One WP Migration.
    • Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Export Your Site:
    • Go to All-in-One WP Migration > Export.
    • Click on Export To and choose File.
    • Download the export file when it’s ready.

2. Set Up WordPress on the New Hosting:

  1. Install WordPress:
    • Follow your new hosting provider’s instructions to install WordPress.
    • Ensure WordPress is installed and you can access the new site’s dashboard.

3. Import Your Site to the New Hosting:

  1. Install All-in-One WP Migration Plugin:
    • On your new WordPress site, go to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for All-in-One WP Migration.
    • Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Import Your Site:
    • Go to All-in-One WP Migration > Import.
    • Click on Import From and choose File.
    • Upload the export file you downloaded from your old site.
    • Follow the prompts to complete the import process.

4. Update DNS Settings:

  1. Get New Nameservers:
    • Your new hosting provider will give you new nameservers (usually found in the hosting account dashboard).
  2. Update at Domain Registrar:
    • Log in to your domain registrar where your domain is registered.
    • Find the DNS settings or Nameservers section.
    • Replace the old nameservers with the new ones provided by your hosting company.
    • Save changes and allow up to 48 hours for the DNS to propagate.

5. Check Your Site:

  1. Verify the Site:
    • After DNS propagation, visit your site to ensure everything is working correctly.
    • Check for any missing content or broken links and fix them as necessary.
  2. Update Permalinks:
    • Go to Settings > Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard.
    • Click Save Changes to refresh your permalink structure.

Additional Tips:

  • Database Connection Issues: If you encounter any database connection issues, verify the wp-config.php file on your new hosting for correct database credentials (DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST).
  • SSL Certificate: If your old site used HTTPS, ensure you set up an SSL certificate on your new hosting.
  • Testing: Before changing the DNS, you can test the new setup by modifying the hosts file on your computer to point your domain to the new server’s IP address.

Following these steps should help you successfully migrate and link your existing WordPress site to the new hosting environment. If you encounter any issues, your new hosting provider’s support team should also be able to assist you.

Published by

Bob Lin

Bob Lin, Chicagotech-MVP, MCSE & CNE Data recovery, Windows OS Recovery, Networking, and Computer Troubleshooting on How to Install and Configure Windows, VMware, Virtualization and Cisco on