- Login Office.com using your Microsoft credentials, and open the Admin app.
- Open the SharePoint admin center
- Click Sites, then click Active sites
- Select your site and click Sharing
- Select Anyone or New and existing guests, then click Save.
2. Open the SharePoint admin center
3. Click Policies, then click Sharing
4. Move the SharePoint slider to Anyone or New and existing guests.
5. Click Save
Situation: The client would like to know if there is a way to sum total expenses from different receipts and Invoices.
Resolution: In this example, we will use PDF files as receipts and Invoices format, combine them and export them to an Excel file. Then submit the Excel file to ChatGPT to sum total expenses. Here are the steps.
Step 1: How to convert PDF files into Excel spreadsheets
Step 2: Submit exported Excel file to ChartGPT to sum total amount. This is the example result.
Note: these is no way to upload the file to ChtGPT so that you need to copy and paste. And you may not be able to copy and paste a big file. You may separate the file, for example, into monthly data.
Click on Add Files.
Select all PDF files.
Click on Combine.
2. In All tools, click on Export a PDF.
Select Microsoft Excel XLSX and then Convert to XLSX.
3. Save the converted file and Name your new Excel file and click the Save button. That’s it.
4. The new created Excel will open automatically.
Quoted from Microsoft:
Expand table
ID | Category | ER | Addresses | Ports |
1 | Optimize Required | Yes | outlook.office.com, outlook.office365.com,,,,,,,,,,, 2603:1006::/40, 2603:1016::/36, 2603:1026::/36, 2603:1036::/36, 2603:1046::/36, 2603:1056::/36, 2620:1ec:4::152/128, 2620:1ec:4::153/128, 2620:1ec:c::10/128, 2620:1ec:c::11/128, 2620:1ec:d::10/128, 2620:1ec:d::11/128, 2620:1ec:8f0::/46, 2620:1ec:900::/46, 2620:1ec:a92::152/128, 2620:1ec:a92::153/128 | TCP: 443, 80 UDP: 443 |
2 | Allow Optional Notes: POP3, IMAP4, SMTP Client traffic | Yes | outlook.office365.com, smtp.office365.com,,,,,,,,,,, 2603:1006::/40, 2603:1016::/36, 2603:1026::/36, 2603:1036::/36, 2603:1046::/36, 2603:1056::/36, 2620:1ec:4::152/128, 2620:1ec:4::153/128, 2620:1ec:c::10/128, 2620:1ec:c::11/128, 2620:1ec:d::10/128, 2620:1ec:d::11/128, 2620:1ec:8f0::/46, 2620:1ec:900::/46, 2620:1ec:a92::152/128, 2620:1ec:a92::153/128 | TCP: 587, 993, 995, 143 |
8 | Default Required | No | *.outlook.com, autodiscover.<tenant>.onmicrosoft.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
9 | Allow Required | Yes | *.protection.outlook.com,,,,, 2a01:111:f400::/48, 2a01:111:f403::/48 | TCP: 443 |
10 | Allow Required | Yes | *.mail.protection.outlook.com,,,, 2a01:111:f400::/48, 2a01:111:f403::/48 | TCP: 25 |
Expand table
ID | Category | ER | Addresses | Ports |
31 | Optimize Required | Yes | *.sharepoint.com,,,,, 2603:1061:1300::/40, 2620:1ec:8f8::/46, 2620:1ec:908::/46, 2a01:111:f402::/48 | TCP: 443, 80 |
32 | Default Optional Notes: OneDrive for Business: supportability, telemetry, APIs, and embedded email links | No | ssw.live.com, storage.live.com | TCP: 443 |
33 | Default Optional Notes: SharePoint Hybrid Search – Endpoint to SearchContentService where the hybrid crawler feeds documents | No | *.search.production.apac.trafficmanager.net, *.search.production.emea.trafficmanager.net, *.search.production.us.trafficmanager.net | TCP: 443 |
35 | Default Required | No | *.wns.windows.com, admin.onedrive.com, officeclient.microsoft.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
36 | Default Required | No | g.live.com, oneclient.sfx.ms | TCP: 443, 80 |
37 | Default Required | No | *.sharepointonline.com, spoprod-a.akamaihd.net | TCP: 443, 80 |
39 | Default Required | No | *.svc.ms | TCP: 443, 80 |
Expand table
ID | Category | ER | Addresses | Ports |
11 | Optimize Required | Yes |,,, 2603:1063::/38 | UDP: 3478, 3479, 3480, 3481 |
12 | Allow Required | Yes | *.lync.com, *.teams.microsoft.com, teams.microsoft.com,,,,, 2603:1027::/48, 2603:1037::/48, 2603:1047::/48, 2603:1057::/48, 2603:1063::/38, 2620:1ec:6::/48, 2620:1ec:40::/42 | TCP: 443, 80 |
16 | Default Required | No | *.keydelivery.mediaservices.windows.net, *.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net, mlccdn.blob.core.windows.net | TCP: 443 |
17 | Default Required | No | aka.ms | TCP: 443 |
18 | Default Optional Notes: Federation with Skype and public IM connectivity: Contact picture retrieval | No | *.users.storage.live.com | TCP: 443 |
19 | Default Optional Notes: Applies only to those who deploy the Conference Room Systems | No | adl.windows.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
27 | Default Required | No | *.secure.skypeassets.com, mlccdnprod.azureedge.net | TCP: 443 |
127 | Default Required | No | *.skype.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
180 | Default Required | No | compass-ssl.microsoft.com | TCP: 443 |
Expand table
ID | Category | ER | Addresses | Ports |
41 | Default Optional Notes: Microsoft Stream | No | *.microsoftstream.com | TCP: 443 |
43 | Default Optional Notes: Microsoft Stream 3rd party integration (including CDNs) | No | nps.onyx.azure.net | TCP: 443 |
44 | Default Optional Notes: Microsoft Stream – unauthenticated | No | *.azureedge.net, *.media.azure.net, *.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net | TCP: 443 |
45 | Default Optional Notes: Microsoft Stream | No | *.keydelivery.mediaservices.windows.net | TCP: 443 |
46 | Allow Required | Yes | *.officeapps.live.com, *.online.office.com, office.live.com,,,,, 2603:1006:1400::/40, 2603:1016:2400::/40, 2603:1026:2400::/40, 2603:1036:2400::/40, 2603:1046:1400::/40, 2603:1056:1400::/40, 2603:1063:2000::/38, 2620:1ec:c::15/128, 2620:1ec:8fc::6/128, 2620:1ec:a92::171/128, 2a01:111:f100:2000::a83e:3019/128, 2a01:111:f100:2002::8975:2d79/128, 2a01:111:f100:2002::8975:2da8/128, 2a01:111:f100:7000::6fdd:6cd5/128, 2a01:111:f100:a004::bfeb:88cf/128 | TCP: 443, 80 |
47 | Default Required | No | *.office.net | TCP: 443, 80 |
49 | Default Required | No | *.onenote.com | TCP: 443 |
50 | Default Optional Notes: OneNote notebooks (wildcards) | No | *.microsoft.com | TCP: 443 |
51 | Default Required | No | *cdn.onenote.net | TCP: 443 |
53 | Default Required | No | ajax.aspnetcdn.com, apis.live.net, officeapps.live.com, www.onedrive.com | TCP: 443 |
56 | Allow Required | Yes | *.auth.microsoft.com, *.msftidentity.com, *.msidentity.com, account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com, accounts.accesscontrol.windows.net, adminwebservice.microsoftonline.com, api.passwordreset.microsoftonline.com, autologon.microsoftazuread-sso.com, becws.microsoftonline.com, ccs.login.microsoftonline.com, clientconfig.microsoftonline-p.net, companymanager.microsoftonline.com, device.login.microsoftonline.com, graph.microsoft.com, graph.windows.net, login.microsoft.com, login.microsoftonline.com, login.microsoftonline-p.com, login.windows.net, logincert.microsoftonline.com, loginex.microsoftonline.com, login-us.microsoftonline.com, nexus.microsoftonline-p.com, passwordreset.microsoftonline.com, provisioningapi.microsoftonline.com,,,, 2603:1006:2000::/48, 2603:1007:200::/48, 2603:1016:1400::/48, 2603:1017::/48, 2603:1026:3000::/48, 2603:1027:1::/48, 2603:1036:3000::/48, 2603:1037:1::/48, 2603:1046:2000::/48, 2603:1047:1::/48, 2603:1056:2000::/48, 2603:1057:2::/48 | TCP: 443, 80 |
59 | Default Required | No | *.hip.live.com, *.microsoftonline.com, *.microsoftonline-p.com, *.msauth.net, *.msauthimages.net, *.msecnd.net, *.msftauth.net, *.msftauthimages.net, *.phonefactor.net, enterpriseregistration.windows.net, policykeyservice.dc.ad.msft.net | TCP: 443, 80 |
64 | Allow Required | Yes | *.compliance.microsoft.com, *.protection.office.com, *.security.microsoft.com, compliance.microsoft.com, defender.microsoft.com, protection.office.com, security.microsoft.com,,, 2620:1ec:4::192/128, 2620:1ec:a92::192/128 | TCP: 443 |
66 | Default Required | No | *.portal.cloudappsecurity.com | TCP: 443 |
67 | Default Optional Notes: Security and Compliance Center eDiscovery export | No | *.blob.core.windows.net | TCP: 443 |
68 | Default Optional Notes: Portal and shared: 3rd party office integration. (including CDNs) | No | firstpartyapps.oaspapps.com, prod.firstpartyapps.oaspapps.com.akadns.net, telemetryservice.firstpartyapps.oaspapps.com, wus-firstpartyapps.oaspapps.com | TCP: 443 |
69 | Default Required | No | *.aria.microsoft.com, *.events.data.microsoft.com | TCP: 443 |
70 | Default Required | No | *.o365weve.com, amp.azure.net, appsforoffice.microsoft.com, assets.onestore.ms, auth.gfx.ms, c1.microsoft.com, dgps.support.microsoft.com, docs.microsoft.com, msdn.microsoft.com, platform.linkedin.com, prod.msocdn.com, shellprod.msocdn.com, support.microsoft.com, technet.microsoft.com | TCP: 443 |
71 | Default Required | No | *.office365.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
73 | Default Required | No | *.aadrm.com, *.azurerms.com, *.informationprotection.azure.com, ecn.dev.virtualearth.net, informationprotection.hosting.portal.azure.net | TCP: 443 |
75 | Default Optional Notes: Graph.windows.net, Office 365 Management Pack for Operations Manager, SecureScore, Azure AD Device Registration, Forms, StaffHub, Application Insights, captcha services | No | *.sharepointonline.com, dc.services.visualstudio.com, mem.gfx.ms, staffhub.ms | TCP: 443 |
78 | Default Optional Notes: Some Office 365 features require endpoints within these domains (including CDNs). Many specific FQDNs within these wildcards have been published recently as we work to either remove or better explain our guidance relating to these wildcards. | No | *.microsoft.com, *.msocdn.com, *.onmicrosoft.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
79 | Default Required | No | o15.officeredir.microsoft.com, officepreviewredir.microsoft.com, officeredir.microsoft.com, r.office.microsoft.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
83 | Default Required | No | activation.sls.microsoft.com | TCP: 443 |
84 | Default Required | No | crl.microsoft.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
86 | Default Required | No | office15client.microsoft.com, officeclient.microsoft.com | TCP: 443 |
89 | Default Required | No | go.microsoft.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
91 | Default Required | No | ajax.aspnetcdn.com, cdn.odc.officeapps.live.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
92 | Default Required | No | officecdn.microsoft.com, officecdn.microsoft.com.edgesuite.net, otelrules.azureedge.net | TCP: 443, 80 |
93 | Default Optional Notes: ProPlus: auxiliary URLs | No | *.virtualearth.net, c.bing.net, ocos-office365-s2s.msedge.net, tse1.mm.bing.net, www.bing.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
95 | Default Optional Notes: Outlook for Android and iOS | No | *.acompli.net, *.outlookmobile.com | TCP: 443 |
96 | Default Optional Notes: Outlook for Android and iOS: Authentication | No | login.windows-ppe.net | TCP: 443 |
97 | Default Optional Notes: Outlook for Android and iOS: Consumer Outlook.com and OneDrive integration | No | account.live.com, login.live.com | TCP: 443 |
105 | Default Optional Notes: Outlook for Android and iOS: Outlook Privacy | No | www.acompli.com | TCP: 443 |
114 | Default Optional Notes: Office Mobile URLs | No | *.appex.bing.com, *.appex-rf.msn.com, c.bing.com, c.live.com, d.docs.live.net, docs.live.net, partnerservices.getmicrosoftkey.com, signup.live.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
116 | Default Optional Notes: Office for iPad URLs | No | account.live.com, auth.gfx.ms, login.live.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
117 | Default Optional Notes: Yammer | No | *.yammer.com, *.yammerusercontent.com | TCP: 443 |
118 | Default Optional Notes: Yammer CDN | No | *.assets-yammer.com | TCP: 443 |
121 | Default Optional Notes: Planner: auxiliary URLs | No | www.outlook.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
122 | Default Optional Notes: Sway CDNs | No | eus-www.sway-cdn.com, eus-www.sway-extensions.com, wus-www.sway-cdn.com, wus-www.sway-extensions.com | TCP: 443 |
124 | Default Optional Notes: Sway | No | sway.com, www.sway.com | TCP: 443 |
125 | Default Required | No | *.entrust.net, *.geotrust.com, *.omniroot.com, *.public-trust.com, *.symcb.com, *.symcd.com, *.verisign.com, *.verisign.net, apps.identrust.com, cacerts.digicert.com, cert.int-x3.letsencrypt.org, crl.globalsign.com, crl.globalsign.net, crl.identrust.com, crl3.digicert.com, crl4.digicert.com, isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com, mscrl.microsoft.com, ocsp.digicert.com, ocsp.globalsign.com, ocsp.msocsp.com, ocsp2.globalsign.com, ocspx.digicert.com, secure.globalsign.com, www.digicert.com, www.microsoft.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
126 | Default Optional Notes: Connection to the speech service is required for Office Dictation features. If connectivity is not allowed, Dictation will be disabled. | No | officespeech.platform.bing.com | TCP: 443 |
147 | Default Required | No | *.office.com, www.microsoft365.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
152 | Default Optional Notes: These endpoints enables the Office Scripts functionality in Office clients available through the Automate tab. This feature can also be disabled through the Office 365 Admin portal. | No | *.microsoftusercontent.com | TCP: 443 |
153 | Default Required | No | *.azure-apim.net, *.flow.microsoft.com, *.powerapps.com, *.powerautomate.com | TCP: 443 |
156 | Default Required | No | *.activity.windows.com, activity.windows.com | TCP: 443 |
158 | Default Required | No | *.cortana.ai | TCP: 443 |
159 | Default Required | No | admin.microsoft.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
160 | Default Required | No | cdn.odc.officeapps.live.com, cdn.uci.officeapps.live.com | TCP: 443, 80 |
184 | Default Required | No | *.cloud.microsoft, *.static.microsoft, *.usercontent.microsoft | TCP: 443, 80 |
Step 1: Create a network shared folder in your PC or server.
Step 2: Configure Scan to network Folder in Sharp MXC357F
2. On the left an, click Apps.
3. Click Scan Center-Network Folders.
4. Click Configure.
6. In the new tab, click Create Network Folder.
7. Enter Display Name, the domain, and the shared folder address. Change authentication options to Use static user name and password and enter a username and password that has access to the shared folder, then click Save.
8. Under Scan Center click Create Shortcut.
9. Enter Shortcut Name, check both the Display on Home Screen and Start scan immediately boxes, then click Add Network Folder.
10. Save the settings.
Step 3: Scan from panel.
2. Swipe to the left to move the menu to the second page, then touch the Shortcut key you just created to scan your document.
3. Fild the scanned file in your PC or server shared folder.
3. Type the Bookmark name and then Add.
4. Type words and click Link under Insert.
5. Click on Insert Link.
6. highlight the Bookmark you just added and click OK to save it.
7. Test it by Ctrl+Click.
1. Open Outlook and go to the People tab.
2. Select Home > New Contact Group.
3. In the Contact Group box, type the name for the group, for example chicagotech.
4. Click on Add Members , and you have 3 options:
Select From Outlook Contacts.
Select From Address Book.
Select New E-mail Contact.
5. Add people from your address book or contacts list, and choose OK. To select multiple people, hold down the Ctrl key as you choose members.
6. Choose Save & Close.
To share a contact list that you created and stored in “Your Contact Lists” in Outlook, you can follow these steps:
1. Open Outlook and go to the People tab.
2. Select the contact list that you want to share from My Contacts.
3. Right click on the Contact folder you want to share and select Share>Share Contacts.
4. In the “Share Contacts” dialog box, enter the email addresses of the people you want to share the contact list with.
5. Add a message (optional) and click “Send”.
6. The recipients will receive an email with a link to the shared contact list. They can then open the link and access the contact list in their own Outlook for Windows account.
Step 1. Create a Public Folder
Go to the Exchange Admin Center by clicking “Admin”, then select “Exchange” from the drop down.