How to create a bypass span filter rule in Microsoft 365

Situation: the client keeps having an issue with an external email address. Whenever an email comes from the externa email address, it always is marked spam and sent to quarantine.

Resolution: We can create a bypass tule. here is how.

  • Login Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Go to Exchange admin center.
  • Navigate to Mail flow>Rules.
  • Click on Add a rule.

5. Click on Create a new rule.

6. Enter the Name, Apply this if, Do the following and make sure you select Modify the message properties and Set the spam confidence leave (SCL) to -1.

7. It looks like this.

8. make sure it is Enabled.

How to add a user to “exclude” group in Conditional Access policies

To grant access to specific users traveling to specific countries, you can add a user to “exclude” group in Conditional Access policies. Here is how.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal and navigate to Azure Active Directory.
  2. Click on Security on the left panel.
  3. Click on Conditional Access.
  4. Click on Policies.
  5. Select exclude users and group.
  6. Add the user to exclude users and group.

Which Microsoft license can get live translated captions in Microsoft Teams?

Quoted from microsoft:

To use live translated captions in Microsoft Teams, the meeting organizer must have a Teams Premium license for attendees12. Live transcriptions are available in English (US) on Teams Desktop for scheduled meetings under certain licenses3. If you’re facing this dilemma, the only solution to access live translation is by upgrading to Teams Premium4. A Microsoft 365 or Office 365 license is required to participate in a live event as an authenticated user5.

How to grant full permission to a user for a directory

You can grant permissions to a user on a directory (Read, Write, Modify) using the Windows command line, for example,

icacls “D:\dy” /grant administrtor:(OI)(CI)F /T

  • F = Full Control
  • CI = Container Inherit – This flag indicates that subordinate containers will inherit this ACE.
  • OI = Object Inherit – This flag indicates that subordinate files will inherit the ACE.
  • /T = Apply recursively to existing files and sub-folders. (OI and CI only apply to new files and sub-folders). Credit: comment by @AlexSpence.

To take ownership:

icacls “D:\dy” /grant Administrators:F /T /C

How to Convert User Mailbox to Shared Mailbox

Situation: After a user leaves the organization, the client would like to know how they can keep the mailbox available without paying Microsoft 365 license. With a shared mailbox, you can give a single user or multiple users access to it. This article shows you how to convert the mailbox to a shared mailbox.

  1. Login Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. Expand Users and select Active Users

3. Select the user

4. Open the Mail tab

5. Click on Convert to Shared Mailbox

Click Convert in the confirmation screen.

6. Go to Teams & groups>Shared mailboxes to confirm the conversion.

7. Remove the Microsoft license from the user.


  • Mailbox size limited to 50Gb
  • You can’t sign in directly to a shared mailbox, you will need a user account for that
  • No Online Archive
  • Share the mailbox with no more than 25 persons
  • Users can delete mail from a shared mailbox, there is no way to prevent that.