How to upgrade the C9000 Switch in Install Mode

To upgrade the C9000 Switch in install mode please follow the next steps:

1. Configure #install remove inactive

2. Copy the .bin image you want to upgrade to, into the flash. You can do this with a usb or via tftp

a. USB way: # copy usbflash0:(image-name.bin) flash:

b. TFTP way: # copy tftp: flash:

i. Then fill in the required information such as host and file name (image-name.bin)

3. Set the boot variable to the correct one. This should be packages.conf. Issue the following commands:

a. >enable

b. #conf t

c. (conf)#no boot sys

d. (conf)#boot sys flash:packages.conf

e. (conf)#do wr <<<<<< Very important to save configuration changes

4. Return to the privileged mode

a. (config)# end

5. Start the install process (Will ask to reload once the .pkg files finish to be generated)

a. # install add file flash:(image-name.bin) activate commit

6. After reload the install process its finished and just verify that the desired version is installed.

# show version

How to upgrade the C9000 Switch in Bundle Mode

To upgrade the C9000 Switch in Bundle Mode please follow the next steps:


Switch# copy [tftp|usb] flash: transfer files to the flash: of the device via the desired method tftp server or usb

Switch# dir flash:*.bin

Switch#verify /md5 flash:[IOS-XE.bin] – Please verify MD5 signature to avoid a corrupt IOS image

Switch#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Switch(config)#no boot system

Switch(config)#boot system flash:[IOS image]


Switch#write memory

Switch#show run | inc boot system

boot system flash: [IOS image] – it will display currently selected boot image

Switch#show boot


How to reset Cisco switch

Situation: The client has Cisco C9200 switch. After upgrading the software, it is loop booting and failed to start.

Troubleshooting: Reset the switch.

Option 1: Power cycle the switch. Immediately press and hold the Mode button. Hold the button till the Mode LED will go amber.

Option 2: on some switch, Power up the switch. When the LED green, press the Mode button 3 times in quick succession. Do NOT press the Mode button.

This is the image of C9000 serial switch.

Please review this step by step video:

Cisco Switch Operation mode: Install Versus Bundle

Most Cisco Catalyst Switches have two modes of operation, Install mode and Bundle mode.

Prerequisites for Install Mode Versus Bundle Mode
All the switches in the switch stack should be running at the same license level as the active switch.

Restrictions for Install Mode Versus Bundle Mode
The Install mode and the Bundle mode of operation have the following restrictions:

Booting from a USB driver or TFTP in Install mode is not supported.
Booting the switch in Bundle mode consumes more memory than the Install mode because the packages are extracted from the bundle and copied to the RAM.
Auto-upgrade feature is disabled by default and is not available in the Bundle mode.

Install Mode
The Install mode uses a package-provisioning file named packages.conf in order to boot a switch. In addition, there are a number of .pkg files in the flash drive. We recommend that you do not alter the packages.conf and .pkg files unless directed by a Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineer. Install mode is the newer and recommended mode to run. This breaks the .bin file up into smaller .pkg files that must be loaded into memory independently of each other, and allows you to boot faster and utilize memory better. The .bin file that you download from has all the .pkg files you need inside. 

Bundle Mode
The Bundle mode uses monolithic Cisco IOS images to boot a switch. The Bundle mode consumes more memory than the Install mode because the packages are extracted from the bundle and copied to RAM. You boot a .bin file that contains everything you need to run the Cisco IOS. As per traditional Cisco IOS, you have a boot statement that points to the .bin file you want to load and that gets loaded at the time of boot.

How to verify the Mode of Operation


Switch#show version


How to convert from Install Mode to Bundle Mode


Displays the contents of the BOOT variable, the name of the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE variable, the contents of the BOOTLDR variable, and the configuration register setting.

#show version

The Mode is Install now

#show boot

Displays the contents of the BOOT variable, the name of the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE variable, the contents of the BOOTLDR variable, and the configuration register setting.

#no boot system

Removes the startup system image specification. Note: Ensure that the .bin file of the Cisco IOS version to be used is loaded before using the no boot system command.

#boot system switch all flash

Updates the boot variable on all the switches in the stack.


#Write memory


#show version

The Mode ins Bundle now.

Another way is booting from bundle mode.

switch:set boot flash:cat9k_lite_iosxe.17.06.04.SPA.bin
switch:boot flash:cat9k_lite_iosxe.17.06.04.SPA.bin

How to convert from Bundle Mode to Install Mode

#show version

It is Bundel mode now.

#show boot

Displays the contents of the BOOT variable, the name of the configuration file pointed to by the CONFIG_FILE variable, the contents of the BOOTLDR variable, and the configuration register setting.

#request platform software package expand

Expands individual Cisco IOS XE software packages and the provisioning file from a specified bundle to a specific destination directory.

Inspire 2 Bluetooth is not pairing

Situation: We have received many reports that Inspire 2 Bluetooth is not pairing, or it doesn’t sync with Fitbit app because the Bluetooth doesn’t work.

Resolution 1: Restart your mobile device and then please restart your Bluetooth. You can do this by turning off the Bluetooth for at least 10-20 seconds and then turn it on again. After that, please restart your Fitbit device following the instructions here

Resolution 2: Go to Settings on your inspire 2 band and then clear user data.

Resolution 3: Clear the fitbit apps cache or re-install fitbit.

Resolution 4; You need to squeeze the Inspire 2 with the charging adapter in order to ensure constant contact. 

Resolution 5: The issue is resolved when I disconnected the device from the app on my phone.

How to upgrade software ISO XE on Cisco C9000

Step 1: Prepare for the upgrade

  1. Check what’s mode the Switch is running by this command: #show version.

In this example the operation mode is Install.

2. Remove Unwanted Packages by running this command: #install remove inactive

Step 2: Copy New Image to Flash

Option 1: Copy the image from TFTP server.

  1. Start TFTP server

2. Run this command: #copy tftp://IP Address//imag-name.bin flash:

for example

#Copy tftp:// flash:

Option 2: Copy the image from USB drive

  1. Plug in the USB drive into Switch USB port.

2. Run this command: copy usbflash1:cat9k_lite_iosxexxx.bin flash:

In our example,

#copy usbflash1:cat9k_lite_iosxe.17.06.04.SPA.bin flash:

Step 3: Confirm the software has been copied.

#dir flash:

Step 4: Upgrade the software

You may two options to upgrade the software depending on Operation Mode. Normally, install mode boot package file and Bundle mode boot .BIN file.

Option 1 – Install Mode

a. >enable

b. #conf t

c. (conf)#no boot sys

d. (conf)#boot sys flash:packages.conf

e. (conf)#do wr <<<<<< Very important to save configuration changes

4. Return to the privileged mode

a. (config)# end

5. Start the install process (Will ask to reload once the .pkg files finish to be generated)

a. # install add file flash:(image-name.bin) activate commit

6. After reload the install process its finished and just verify that the desired version is installed.

# show version

Option 2 – Bundle Mode

You must set this boot statement with the boot system command. The next time you reload, the switch boots into 16.12.01 rather than 16.11.01.

Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#no boot system
Switch(config)#boot system bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin <--- 
Switch#show run | include boot system
boot system bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin
Switch#show boot
BOOT variable = bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.16.12.01.SPA.bin; <--- 
Configuration Register is 0x102
MANUAL_BOOT variable = no
BAUD variable = 9600
ENABLE_BREAK variable does not exist
BOOTMODE variable does not exist
IPXE_TIMEOUT variable does not exist
CONFIG_FILE variable =

In our example, we will show you how to convert Install Mode to Bundle Mode and, then upgrade the software by booting .BIN.

  1. #dir flash:

This command shows the mode is Install.

Run these commands:

switch:set boot flash:cat9k_lite_iosxe.17.06.04.SPA.bin

Convert Install Mode to Bundle Mode.
switch:boot flash:cat9k_lite_iosxe.17.06.04.SPA.bin

Boot from .bin file.

Step 5: Make sure correct version of software installed

Run this show version coomand:

Please review this step-by-step video:

Use a Terminal Emulation Program to Backup and Restore a Configuration

Situation: You may want to use a terminal emulation program such as putty and telnet backup and restore a Cisco configuration. This article descripts the procedure with putty.

  1. Connect the console cable between your PC and Cisco device.
  2. Login your secured user account.
  3. At the Router>prompt, issue the enable command, and provide the required password when prompted. The prompt changes toRouter#, which indicates that the router is now in privileged mode.

4. Issue the terminal length 0 command in order to force the router to return the entire response at once, rather than one screen at a time .This allows you to capture the configuration without extraneous–more–prompts generated when the router responds one screen at a time.

5. Run the show running-config command and allow time for the router to complete its response. You can see: Building configuration…followed by the configuration.

6. Right click on Terminal Emulation Program top bar and select Copy All to Clipboard.

7. Paste the configuration file into Notepad and save the configuration file.

How to forward email on Gmail

  1. Login your Google account on Gmail website.
  2. In the top right, click Settings.

3. Click on See all settings.

4. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.

5. Click Add a forwarding address.

6. Enter the email address you want to forward messages to, and click Next

7. Click on Proceed

8. Click on OK to confirm.

9. The forwarding email address shows and you have option to verify it.

Note: to remove the forwarding email address, click on Remove address.

How to create a Contact in Microsoft 365

Situation: The client would like to create a contact in Microsoft 365 which can be listed in Global Address List and forwarded to external Email.

  1. Login Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. Click on Users and then Contact.

3. Click on Add a contact.

4. Enter the contact info and external email address.

5. You should have a contact listed in Microsoft 365 Contact.

6. It may take time, but you should see the new contact in Global Address List.