How to delete Email Account in Veeam Backup

Situation: The client created many email accounts i Veeam Backup for testing Notification as shown below. Thye don’t see any options to delete them.

Resolution: You need to delete them from manage Credentials by clicking Veeam Backup Settings icon>Manage Credentials.

You will have an option to Remove.

What’s Microsoft Exchange server name

Server name for Microsoft 365/Office 365 accounts is:

To find the server name, you can login OWA to check it.

  1. Sign into
  2. Click Settings in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Click Mail from the Your app settings section on the right-hand side near the bottom of the screen. If you don’t see Mail, click on View all Outlook settings.
  1. Expand Mail on the left-hand side under the Options menu.

  1. Expand Accounts.
  2. Click POP and IMAP.
  3. Copy the value for Pop setting and IMAP setting.

How to Enable Basic Authentication Office 365

Modern Authentication is enabled by default in Office 365. Modern Authentication in Office 365 is a combination of authentication and authorization methods. It’s more secure than the Basic Authentication method, which relied only on a username and password. There are some situations, you may want to enable basic Authentication.

There are Mutiple options to enabling basic authentication in Office 365.

Option 1: Enable the organization Basic Authentication from Office 365

  1. Login the Microsoft 365 Admin Center
  2. Expand Settings and click on Org Settings

3. Select Modern authentication

4. Under Allow access to basic authentication, check Authenticated SMTP.

5. Click on Save

Option 2: Enable the organization Basic Authentication using PowerShell

  1. Run PowerShell as administrator.
  2. Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell by running the following command:

Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName [-ShowBanner:$false] [-ExchangeEnvironmentName ] [-DelegatedOrganization ] [-PSSessionOption $ProxyOptions]

For example:

Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName blin@blin

3. Enable Modern Authentication use this command:

Set-OrganizationConfig -OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled $true

Note: To verify that the change you just made took place:

Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-Table -Auto Name,OAuth*

How to generate office 365 password

In some cases, you may want to generate a Office 365 password. For example, Veeam, Symantec, scanner need to send email notification, but can’t do so because office 365 requires verification. This article shows you how to generate Office 365 password.

  1. Login Office 365.
  2. Click your image and then View account.

3. On the left pane, click on Security info.

4. Click on Add sign-in method.

5. In Add a method, select App password.

6. Enter the password.

7. Click on Next, it will generate an app password.

How to add Case Administrator in Veeam backup

Situation: When purchasing or renewing Veeam backup license, you will be License Administrator who will manage the license and support. if other IT personals need to contact or open a case with Veeam support, you need to add them to Case Administrator. Here is how to do so.

  1. Login as License Administrator.
  2. Click on Support>Case Administrators.

3. Click on Add Administrator.

4. Enter the IT personals’ email addresses. Then Click on Next.

5. Under Create new Case administrator, select Support ID

6. Click Save to complete it.

How to upgrade Dell server firmware using iDRAC

  1. Download the firmware from Dell website.
  2. Login iDRAC.
  3. Go to Maintenance.

3. Under Manual Update, keep Location Type is Local. Click on Choose File.

4. Select the firmware you just downloaded.

5. Click on Upload.

6. In Update Details, check the firmware you selected, and click Install and Reboot or Install Next Reboot.

7. You may see this popup. click on Job Queue.

8. you can monitor the job.